
Similar yet different: A comparative analysis of the Creator and the Creature

Credit: Wikipedia Presenting a story about suffering, alienation, and the social implications as the result of a scientific innovation that emerged from the desire to create and manipulate life,  "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus"  by Mary Shelley succeeded in gaining public recognition as an important work in gothic literature and science fiction. Written in 1818, Mary Shelley attempted to warn the readers about the dangers associated with unchecked scientific ambition and the pursuit of knowledge without regard for morality. The novel utilizes a variety of narrative perspectives, such as letters and firsthand accounts to shape the reader's interpretation of the events. The two main characters, Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates the ‘fiend’ or more known by the name ‘the Creature’, although they are naturally contrasting beings, however, they also share several similarities. These similitudes and distinctions between Victor and the Creature not onl...

Ibn Tufayl's: Hayy Ibn Yaqzan (A Philosophical Tale)

"The discovery of finding the source of his true-self" by Nabilah M K Umarella           Hayy Ibn Yaqzan, a feral child who was discovered and nurtured by a doe on an uninhabited island represents the prototype of a solitary and defenseless humankind. By presenting this precursor, Ibn Tufayl demonstrates the solitude of the unpeopled island as a model of the development of the mind that occurs naturally without the diversion of society which establishes Hayy’s invention on spiritual belief. Moreover, upon the doe’s death, young Hayy suffers the taunts and attacks of other animals until he migrates into a cave and discovers fire. Hayy identified fire as a symbol of the warmth that animates living things and confirms. Propelled by curiosity and desire for knowledge, he then dissected animals where he concluded that warmth is an animating spirit, and "He was sure for this reason, that he himself was the ideally balanced animal, kindred spirit of the celestial ...

The Sportsmanship of Sports

Imagine if there is no sportsmanship in sports. Competition will be messy because of unfair scores or results. People can bribe to win a game, and many more can happen. But what is the true meaning of sportsmanship? Have you ever wondered what sportsmanship is and why it is important? Not only athletes, coaches, but also judges must have sportsmanship by following the rules and maintaining fairness. Brian G. Phelps, the director of athletics, stated that sportsmanship is not only about knowing and being responsible for playing fair but also maintaining ethics and integrity, and kindness against rivals. Sportsmanship is also one of big parts in sports because the aspects of sportsmanship can make sports games become easier, healthier, and more “positive” competition. As promoted in the Olympic Oaths, it means that sportsmanship is really important for us to put in on every game or competition.   “In the name of all athletes, judges, coaches & officials, we promise to take p...


Hi everyone! Long time no see:) I'm back! I'm back with the new version of my journal, new languages, new background and new version of me! :) I do apologize for the long "break" I've took on this journal. Starting from now, I proudly announce that I will write my story in this journal often. I will try my best to upload at least 2 times a month.  For you guys who curios what did I do right now? Now, I'm practicing for PON XX Papua who will be held really soon or specifically on October! I also learn three new languages:) What languages? Wait for my upcoming Journal !  Anyway, I want to let you guys know that, starting from this era I will write down the journal more often with English. But don't worry, I will try my best to write in Bahasa Indonesia too. So for you guys who don't understand English, will also understand:) Okaay! See you on my next journal!  I can't wait to tell you guys my story, my research, and many more that I haven't share...

Keren tanpa Rokok dan Narkoba!

Apa itu Narkoba, NAZA, & NAPZA? Apa saja akibat dari penyalahgunaan NAPZA? dan Apakah merokok bisa menjadi pintu masuk seseorang menjadi pengguna narkoba? Ditulisanku kali ini, aku akan berbagi informasi dan menjelaskan tentang bahaya nya Napza dari buku yang sudah aku baca. Buku yang aku baca berjudul "Drugs Aren't Cool, They make you act like a fool!" yang di tulis oleh Cri Sajjana Prajna Wekadigunawan atau Weka Gunawan (Dosen Magister Manajemen rumah sakit dan ilmu kesehatan masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan / FIKES Universitas Esa Unggul / EUE, Jakarta) Di Indonesia, ada banyak yang mengatakan bahwa merokok membuat kita terlihat keren, gaul, gaya, dan kekinian. Tetapi, merokok sama sekali tidak keren! Beranilah berkata "TIDAK" sebelum kamu tergoda untuk mencoba merokok, tidak peduli siapapun yang menawarimu untuk merokok. Kenapa Merokok sangat berbahaya? Salah satunya karena tentunya ada segudang racun yang sangat berbahaya di dalam sebatang rok...

Gizi & tumbuh kembang atlet part 2

"Tidak ada makanan khusus untuk meningkatkan prestasi namun makanan yang salah dapat menggangu bahkan akan menyirnakan prestasi" itulah filosofi makanan olahraga. Ditulisanku kali ini aku akan berbagi ilmu lebih banyak dan lebih detail tentang Gizi & tumbuh kembang atlet, hasil dari belajarku di workshop gizi yang diadakan FKRS(Forum Komunikasi Renang Sleman) Kebutuhan energi olahragawan jauh lebih banyak di bandingkan orang biasa yang hanya 3200kalori/hari. Namun tidak pada seorang atlet, kebutuhan energi Seorang olahragawan bisa mencapai 6000 kalori/hari. Karena energi yang dibutuhkan olahragawan lebih banyak, berarti seorang atlet memerlukan nutrisi yang lebih. Salah satu contohnya adalah, selain makanan seorang atlet tentunya membutuhkan cairan. Masih banyak atlet di Indonesia yang kekurangan cairan atau bisa dibilang kurang banyak minum air putih. Disaat bertanding cairan yang keluar bisa 3X lebih banyak dibanding orang pada umumnya(Contohnya pelari maratho...

Gizi & tumbuh kembang seorang atlet (part 1)

Selain berlatih tentunya seorang atlet tidak akan mendapat prestasi yang ditargetkan jika gizi-nya tidak dijaga dengan baik. Seorang atlet yang mengatur gizi dengan baik akan merasakan kekuatan tubuh yang lebih saat bertanding. Seorang atlet layaknya membutuhkan 55-60% karbohidrat, 25-30% lemak, dan 15% protein didalam menu makan nya sehari-hari, Karbohidrat merupakan salah satu  sumber tenaga yang paling berpengaruh untuk seorang atlet. Meskipun begitu, bukan berarti seorang atlet tidak memerlukan komposisi gizi selain kerbohidrat. Protein, mineral, lemak, mikronutren juga harus seimbang dan dimakan tepat waktu. ada dua jenis karbohidrat yang sehat yaitu yang mengandung pati (bertepung) dan jenis pakan yang tidak berpati seperti buah dan sayur. Selain gizi yang mencukupi, tumbuh kembang seorang atlet pun tidak akan berkembang dengan baik jika si atlet tidak berusaha memperbaiki pola hidupnya. Contohnya, seorang atlet yang menyalakan tv, saat tidur malam akan sangat berakiba...